
You will find here all the articles that I have published, happy reading!

4 minutes


Properly setting up your development environment

Today, I want to discuss a topic that is very important to me. Setting up your development environment and computer is a fundamental aspect of your…

6 minutes


Laravel & Vue.js - Building a Todo list, Part 5: Authentication with Vuex and Vue-router

Now that we have set up the development and production environments for the application, we can create our first interface and component for…

5 minutes


Laravel & Vue.js - Building a Todo list, Part 4: Setting up the frontend application with Webpack

This is one of the most important parts of the frontend: setting up the environment with Webpack. Before starting I didn't start from a blank project…

4 minutes


Laravel & Vue.js - Building a Todo list, Part 3: Using API Resources

Since Laravel version 5.5, we can use API Resources. Before this addition, we had to use packages like Fractal, which is, I think, the most well-known…

6 minutes


Laravel & Vue.js - Building a Todo list, Part 2: Authentication with JWT

Before starting to develop the features of our application, we need to set up authentication. For this project, I am using JWTs. This article is not…

4 minutes


Laravel & Vue.js - Building a Todo list, Part 1: Introduction and objectives

I am going to start a series of articles to present a project that I have wanted to implement for some time: a Todo List!! Well, I admit that doesn't…

2 minutes


Docker: Improving Performance with Caching

Today, we’ll discuss how Docker works on macOS and how to optimize its performance using caching. Before diving deeper, it’s important to understand…

3 minutes


Docker: Custom networks

This article is a follow-up to the presentation I gave on Docker: Understanding and Implementing Docker. I received some relevant feedback and wanted…

3 minutes


Capistrano: Automatically deploy Laravel with Docker

This article is the second part of our step-by-step project deployment series. This time, we’ll automate the deployment process using Capistrano and…

7 minutes


Ansible: Automating server installation

This article is the first part of a step-by-step deployment guide for a project using multiple technologies. Here, I will deploy my laravel-blog…

1 minute


Using the SSH command to access a Vagrant machine

If you regularly use Vagrant, you know that to access the virtual machine, you need to use the command: Without much explanation, Vagrant connects us…

10 minutes


Macbook Pro avec Touch Bar : Un an plus tard

Depuis la sortie du MacBook Pro 2016, j'entends un peu tout et n'importe quoi à son sujet. Je vais essayer de faire un retour d'expérience après…

2 minutes


Ajouter de la RAM sur un NAS Synology 1515+

Comme j'ai pu en parler sur le blog, j'ai un NAS Synology 1515+, c'est une petite merveille et je m'en sers absolument tout le temps. Depuis un moment…

2 minutes


Issues with Cartesian products in MySQL

Recently, while working on a web development project, I needed to use the SUM aggregation function with multiple JOIN operations. I encountered…

5 minutes


From WordPress to Jekyll

Up until last May, my personal website and blog used two different technologies, namely WordPress on one side and Pug then Middleman on the other. It…

3 minutes


Connect to a remote server via SSH

We’ll look at how to connect to a Synology NAS via SSH without having to type your password every time and securely. This method works for any server…

15 minutes


Understanding and setting up Docker

Recently, I had the opportunity to use Docker in a more advanced way, and I wanted to share my experience because I encountered several stumbling…

4 minutes


Laravel: Using Travis CI on GitHub

I have been developing a Laravel project for some time to showcase, in a very concrete case, aspects and tips that I find interesting about the…

18 minutes


Prise de notes - Blend Web Mix 2016

J'ai eu l'occasion, comme en 2015, de participer à l'évènement Blend Web Mix. J'ai pu prendre pas mal de notes que je tenais à partager. Ce n'est pas…

6 minutes


Comment je sauvegarde mes données ?

Souvent inexistante ou très marginale, je suis toujours surpris de voir le peu de mérite qui est attribué à la sauvegarde, si indispensable pourtant…

7 minutes


Un Mac pour le prix de deux.

Et voilà, on y arrive. Mon premier billet d'humeur. Si vous suivez un tant soit peu l'actualité high-tech, vous n'êtes pas sans savoir qu'Apple a…

35 minutes


Comment j'utilise Git ? Mes astuces et bonnes pratiques !

Depuis quelques temps, j'ai en tête de faire un article pour expliquer comment je fonctionne avec git, quelles sont les commandes que j'utilise et…

1 minute


Switching between windows of the same application on macOS

Today, a little tip that might seem minor but can be incredibly useful for everyday tasks. If you're like me and come from the world of Windows, you…

5 minutes


Configurer un routeur Synology RT1900ac avec une Livebox Orange

J'ai reçu, en fin de semaine, le premier routeur de Synology, le fameux RT1900ac. Je ne vais pas aujourd'hui en faire un test ou un récapitulatif de…

4 minutes


Ruby On Rails: Searching with ElasticSearch, Ansible, and Vagrant

Today we are going to explore several server setup concepts with a concrete example: Using ElasticSearch with Ruby On Rails. I won't show how…

3 minutes


Ruby On Rails: Token authentication

After articles concerning ways to install Rails on different platforms, today we're going to do something more concrete! Authentication tokens With…

3 minutes


Ruby On Rails : Installation sur un NAS Synology avec Docker

On a vu dans un article précédent comment installer et lancer Ruby On Rails sur un Raspberry Pi 3. Aujourd'hui, on va cette fois-ci voir comment le…

4 minutes


Ruby On Rails : Installation sur un Raspberry Pi 3

Comme vous avez pu le voir dans le titre aujourd'hui nous allons parler de Linux, et plus particulièrement de Ruby et Ruby On Rails (RoR). Je vais…

1 minute


macOS: Mount a network drive on boot

If, like me, you use a network drive (via a NAS, for instance), you might want it to appear in the Finder, just like an external hard drive would…

6 minutes


Prise de notes - Blend Web Mix 2015

J'ai eu cette année la chance de participer à l'évènement Blend Web Mix de Lyon, je remercie encore @FlorentGoumy et @PKoin pour cette opportunité…