Guillaume BRIDAY
I am a web developer to make my passion my work. Over the past few years working in companies, I have gained experience in languages like PHP and Ruby, among others. I enjoy working with Git, focusing on software quality, and functional testing.
Learning and discovering the technologies of tomorrow occupies my free time in order to improve my projects, both professional and personal.
- Ruby / Ruby on Rails
- PHP / Laravel
- SQL / PostgreSQL / MySQL
- JavaScript / ES6
- Vuejs / Nuxt
- React / Gatsby
- Stimulus / Hotwire
- CSS / Sass / Bootstrap / Tailwind CSS
- Git
- GitLab CI / TravisCI
- Ansible / Capistrano
- Docker / DevOps
- Traefik / Nginx
- Webpack
- Yarn / NPM
- macOS / Linux
Work experience
August 2021 - Now
Lead Developer & DevOps at SpendHQ
SpendHQ (former Per Angusta) is a SaaS for Spend Intelligence and Procurement Performance Management solutions. I'm a Full Stack Lead web developer working with Ruby on Rails, Stimulus, PostgreSQL, RSpec and Heroku.
- Contribute to SpendHQ flagship product “PPM" / Ruby on Rails, Stimulus, PostgreSQL, RSpec and Heroku.
- Mentor developers (Junior to Senior)
- Hiring/On-site interviews
- Working with Product Managers to help define our roadmap, and execute on it
- Provide technical guidance to the organization
- Provide engineering expertise and techniques to the in-house software engineers
October 2019 - Now
Founder of Slog-app
Slog is a time tracking app that brings simplicity in your day to day life.
January 2018 - Now
Public Speaker & Conference organizer
Public Speaker in meetups and conferences, co-organizer of public meetups.
November 2020 - June 2022
Ruby on Rails and JavaScript Teacher at Le Wagon
September 2017 - August 2021
Lead Developer & DevOps at Studio HB
Full Stack lead web developer and DevOps.
Working with Ruby on Rails, VueJS, Stimulus, TailwindCSS, PostgreSQL and Ansible to build MVPs and showcase sites.
I deploy, with GitLab CI and Capistrano, applications tested with RSpec and Jest.
I review PRs and write documentation for my colleagues
October 2015 - August 2017
Full Stack developer at Ochelys
- Integration of showcase websites with WordPress
- Maintenance and bug fixes on WordPress applications
- Software development with Laravel and Bootstrap
- Software development with Rails, Bootstrap, and ElasticSearch

August 2013 - Now
Creator and author on guillaumebriday.fr
Created my personal site. This is where I post my articles, my talks and my podcast.
September 2015 - June 2018
École d'ingénierie en Informatique : Institut G4 à Lyon
École d'ingénierie en informatique amenant à un titre RNCP de niveau 7 (Bac +5) pour me spécialiser dans les technologies du Web et du Management.
January 2015 - June 2015
Techniques de l'informatique : Informatique de gestion
Fin de mon diplôme universitaire de technologie au Canada durant 6 mois. Découverte de nouvelles méthodes de travail ainsi qu'une approche différente du monde de l'informatique. Réalisation de mon stage de développeur Web chez Second Life.
September 2013 - January 2015
Institut Universitaire de Technologie - Informatique
Formation de deux ans à l'institut universitaire de technologie département informatique de Lyon 1.
September 2012 - July 2013
Baccalauréat Scientifique - SVT / ISN / Histoire-géographie
Obtention de mon Baccalauréat Scientifique option Informatique et Science du Numérique. Création d'un projet de domotique avec un arduino et une interface de contrôle sur le Web.